Guest Post: Greg Hatten on a trip to Fort Bridger

Guest post ahead! Please enjoy a guest post from our friend, Greg Hatten, of wooden boat and river running repute, who took our new Bridger

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Chasing Ghosts in the Bighorns with Greg Hatten

A Bighorn Adventure Editor’s note: What did you do over the long weekend? Enjoy the adventures of our friend and Pendleton ambassador Greg H

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Retiring Pendleton Blankets for 2019

Retiring Blankets Every year, we retire some of our blanket designs to make room for more. This year, we have some beautiful blankets saying

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Portlandia and Pendleton. It just keeps happening.

Here in Portland… …where Pendleton Woolen Mills is headquartered, we have been invested in Portlandia since it started. The introduction at

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